We need your senators to not only co-sponsor the Global HER Act, but to fight for its advancement!
Call the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121.
If your Senator has already co-sponsored the Global HER Act, use this script:
My name is XX and I am a voter from [your voting city, state]. I’m calling to ensure Senator XXX supports the Global Heath, Rights and Empowerment (HER) Act and to ask them to fight for its advancement through whatever means possible. Ending Global Gag is urgent and possible and must be a priority! The Global HER Act would end the deadly Global Gag Rule, a policy that jeopardizes the health and well-being of millions of people around the world. I support US funding that is effective and advances the rights and health of people. Ending the global Gag Rule is urgent and possible: I am depending on Senator XXX to fight to end this deadly Global Gag Rule and push Congress to advance the Global HER Act.
Congressional offices often read local papers’ letters to the editor to get a sense of what’s important to their constituents. Write a letter to your local paper explaining why we must end the Global Gag Rule now!
You can find tips for writing a letter to the editor here.
Sample letter here (personalizing it is better!)
As Senators NAME and NAME begin their summer recess, they leave important unfinished business behind, including a harmful foreign policy that puts the health and lives of millions at risk. The Global Gag Rule blocks funding for medical facilities around the world that provide education and counseling about safe abortion. The past year of life under a global pandemic has demonstrated how essential consistent access to healthcare is. When clinics must close due to lack of funding, the results can be devastating. Access to information about sexual and reproductive health, contraception, and prevention and treatment of HIV are disrupted. Rates of unintended pregnancies, maternal mortality and unsafe abortions rise. Ending the Global Gag is urgent and possible. Senators NAME and NAME must prioritize ending this policy by passing the Global Health, Rights and Empowerment Act.